Simple “How-To” Instructions for Video Calls with Zoom and Google Hangouts

Adam M. SpenceUncategorized

Remaining Social in the Time of Social Distancing?

There is little most of us can do to change the current state of affairs of COVID-19 and our economy.  However, each of us has the ability to control our response to the problems posed.  One of those responses can be to remain social and provide support to others who are feeling isolated.

A “How-to” Presentation for Using Google Hangouts and Zoom

To assist you with becoming social during social distancing, Adam Spence has prepared this presentation providing simple “how-to” instructions for video conferencing using two of his favorite video-conferencing apps — Google Hangouts and Zoom.  (If you missed the presentation link in the preceding sentence, you can download the presentation by clicking on the word presentation or clicking on this word.

What Adam Spence Does for a Living

Mr. Spence is using Microsoft Teams, as well as the above apps and other technology to virtually meet with his clients.  This allows him and his clients to continue to collaborate on document review, case strategy and aggressively move forward to the resolution of problems facing them.

Mr. Spence handles civil disputes in areas ranging from Trust and Estates disputes to Business Dissolution to even neighbor disputes. Examples of the work he has done for individuals, businesses and even churches can be found in the News section on

If you need an attorney, feel free to reach out to him.  Many people have reached out to Adam over the course of his nearly 25 years practicing law.  Indeed, some of these clients have contributed to the 32 separate five star reviews of our firm received on Google to-date.